Testing out Vercel

January 6, 2025

After 20 years of making websites one way or another...

  • (static HTML/CSS, initially, this was before JS really came on the scene)
  • WordPress
  • Lionwiki! Nobody will remember that, it was amazing though at the time
  • GetSimple CMS
  • Drupal
  • Moodle! For the educators out there
  • Probably some others...

...I decided it was time to start testing out a few other options. So here's a start with Vercel and a whole bunch of libraries that I've (at most) played with before.

I'm much more of a digital marketing type person than I am a web developer or designer but there's no time like the present!

This post is a work in progress and will be updated as I get to grips with the Vercel setup (and the technologies it supports).